Acknowledgments ix
introduction | morgan pitelka
Wrapping and Unwrapping Art 1
one | robert decaroli
From the Living Rock: Understanding Figural Representation in Early South Asia 21
two | louise allison cort
Disposable but Indispensable: The Earthenware Vessel as Vehicle of Meaning in Japan 46
three | richard h. davis
From the Wedding Chamber to the Museum: Relocating the Ritual Arts of Madhubani 77
four | janet hoskins
In the Realm of the Indigo Queen: Dyeing, Exchange Magic, and the Elusive Tourist Dollar on Sumba 100
five | james l. hevia
Plunder, Markets, and Museums:
The Biographies of Chinese Imperial Objects in Europe and North America 129
six | cynthea j. bogel
Situating Moving Objects:
A Sino-Japanese Catalogue of Imported Items, 800 CE to the Present 142
seven | ashley thompson
Angkor Revisited: The State of Statuary 179
eight | lene pedersen
An Ancestral Keris, Balinese Kingship, and a Modern Presidency 214
nine | kaja m. mcgowan
Raw Ingredients and Deposit Boxes in Balinese Sanctuaries: A Congruence of Obsessions 238
conclusion | jan mrázek
Ways of Experiencing Art: Art History, Television, and Javanese Wayang 272
Contributors 305
Index 309