

“Samurai as Patrons: Governance, Martial Arts, and Zen Buddhism in 17th-Century Japan,” lectures by Morgan Pitelka and Matthew Hayes, NCMA, 11/24/2024

The Emulation Game of Japanese Culture,” podcast interview with David Hall and Graham Culbertson, 11/6/2024. 

“‘Shogun’ TV series wins 18 Emmys,” interview with Marco Werman on “The World,” 9/16/2024

“Living with Ceramics in Japan: From Edo (1603-1868) to Meiji (1868-1912),” lecture sponsored by the Japan Foundation Toronto, 6/18/2024

“Material Culture and Its Value to Tourism Promotion and Visitor Education in Japan,” Q&A moderated by Frank Walter, 6/23/2024, Society of Writers, Editors, and Translators

“Remaking Shōgun: Historians Assess,” Roundtable with Henry Smith, Beth Berry, Eleanor Hubbard, and Morgan Pitelka, MJHA, 5/7/2024

"Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan,” Commentary and Q&A moderated by Ethan Segal, MJHA, 2/15/2024

“Cherry Blossom Viewing at Mukōjima: An Edo-Period Handscroll in the Ackland Art Museum,” analysis and commentary by the UNC Japanese History Lab. Fall/2024

NOTE: video can only be viewed on YouTube 


"Communities of Practice: Social Relations and the Functions of Art in the Careers of Rengetsu and Nantenbō," for the symposium "Rengetsu and Nantenbō: Calligraphy and Context,” Ackland Art Museum, 4/15/2023.

NOTE: video can only be viewed on YouTube 

“Tea and Politics in Japan’s Age of Unification,” Genshitsu Sen Annual Tea Lecture, sponsored by the Huntington Center for East Asian Garden Studies, 4/6/2023

“Daily Life in a Medieval City,”  lecture, sponsored by Arizona State University, Asia Center, 10/25/2022


Book interview about “Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan,” with Samee Siddiqui, 11/8/2022

“Daily Life in a Medieval City,”  lecture, sponsored by Arizona State University, Asia Center, 10/25/2022

Book interview about “Letters from Japan's Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Correspondence of Warlords, Tea Masters, Zen Priests, and Aristocrats,” with Jinyi Li, 9/7/2022

"The Ceramics of Mino: 500 Years of Beauty and Innovation,” lecture, JAPAN House Los Angeles for the opening of “The Art of the Ramen Bowl” exhibition, 3/18/2022 

“Japan's Global Relevance in 2022,” lecture, Carolina Public Humanities, UNC/Flyleaf Bookstore, 2/11/2022

Lecture, "The Reception of Korean Ceramics in Japan (1537-1647)," a resource for the online exhibition "Stories of Clay: Discovering Choson Korean Potters in Tokugawa Japan,

2022, Autonomous University of Barcelona


“The Social Life of Raku Teabowls,” Lecture in the conference "Path of the Teabowl,” Alfred University, 10/23/2021

“Valuable Vessels I: An Oribe Dish from Japan,”  lecture, associated with the Ackland exhibition “Buddha and Shiva, Lotus and Dragon” 10/8/2021

“Tea as Context: Treasuring Ceramics,”  symposium, Joan B. Mirviss Japanese Fine Art, I talk about Raku ceramics from 33:50-43:30 and 1:10:13-1:18:33.




“Virtual Humanities Happy Hour - Monasteries and Mountaintops Religious Traditions of Solitude,” speaker, Carolina Public Humanities, 5/14/2020

Interview with Allison Alexy, Michigan Talks Japan Podcast, 2/20/2020

“Reading Medieval Ruins: A Material History of Urban Life in 16th-Century Japan,” lecture, University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 2/20/2020


“Japan’s Modern Revolution: The Meiji Restoration (1868) and Japanese Modernity,” lecture, Durham Tech Global Distinction program, 2/20/2018

“Tokugawa Japan’s Floating World,” lecture, Durham Tech Global Distinction program, 2/13/2018

“Individuals, Objects, and Networks in the History of Japanese Tea Culture,” 4th Ishibashi Foundation Lecture, Kyushu National Museum, 5/27/2017

Book interview about “Spectacular Accumulation: Material Culture, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and Samurai Sociability,” with Carla Nappi, 8/10/2016